Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

In Lieu of a letter this year we present

(in chronological order)

The Hutchinson Family Top 10

10 Caleb was a starting player on the varsity volleyball team as a sophomore and is now playing club volleyball and looking forward to another season in high school.

9 In April, Eliza and Jake both graduated from BYU-I with BA degrees in Political Science

8 Jecia got a great job working for the General Manager of the Regional Transportation Commission

7 Marshall, Colleen, Caleb & Ethan participated in a 4 day pioneer trek near Zion's National Park in Utah and had an amazing experience.

6 Jake and Eliza moved to Moscow, Idaho where Jake started law school and Eliza started working for the University of Idaho.

5 Ethan started high school at Foothill.

4 Caleb decided to try choir this year and is loving singing bass with the Chamber Choir and bass and vocal percussion with Harmonic Intensity.

3 Jecia completed the St George Marathon in her goal time - her first, but not her last.

2 Ethan (sousaphone & tuba) and Caleb (alto & tenor saxophone) marched with Nevada's top marching band winning multiple awards and both boys are playing in the Foothill High School Wind Symphony.

1 Marshall & Colleen had the best Christmas with all of our children at home for four fantastic days!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fashion Police

Yesterday I was dressing for church when I realized that the shirt I wanted to wear needed pressing. I was wearing a bright, multi-colored skirt and I slipped on the first shirt I saw, a brown and black striped sweater, so I could make my way to the laundry room. At that moment Marshall walked out of the bathroom, took one look at me and said, "I don't think that shirt works with the skirt."

I nearly laughed because Marshall's fashion rules are: 1 anything goes with jeans, and 2 dark socks with suits. Anything beyond that really doesn't matter and he wouldn't notice it even if it did. My response, "So you are the fashion police now?" His immediate reply, "No need to involve the police. This is a citizen's arrest."