Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Eagle Has Landed

Kason Lapointe and Caleb Hutchinson
This was the photo used for the invitation

On June 19 (the day after Marshall and I arrived home from our tour to Israel and Jordan) we held Caleb's Eagle Court of Honor with his friend Kason Lapointe.  Thankfully, it was all planned before we left and we had lots of help from Kason's mom,  Julia, Kelli Nelson (advancement chair in our previous ward) and several other former scout leaders and friends.  It was a great evening recognizing both boys for their achievement.
Caleb with Roy Given, his 11 year old Scout Leader and mentor

Caleb with Dad and Mom and Karl Nelson,
his Scoutmaster when he was a deacon

Pres Ken Gallacher - Master of Ceremonies
Home Teacher, Stake Presidency, Karate Instructor and Mentor

Caleb with his completed Eagle Service Project
Recycle Boxes for the National Park Service to use at Lake Mead

Way to go Caleb.  You have earned the rank of Eagle Scout and you are a great example to our family!

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